Monday, March 13, 2006


Isaac Hayes Quits 'South Park'

Isaac Hayes has quit "South Park," where he voices Chef, saying he can no longer stomach its take on religion.

Hayes, who has played the ladies' man/school cook in the animated Comedy Central satire since 1997, said in a statement Monday that he feels a line has been crossed.

"There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins," the 63-year-old soul singer and outspoken Scientologist said.

"Religious beliefs are sacred to people, and at all times should be respected and honored," he continued. "As a civil rights activist of the past 40 years, I cannot support a show that disrespects those beliefs and practices."

"South Park" co-creator Matt Stone responded sharply in an interview with The Associated Press Monday, saying, "This is 100 percent having to do with his faith of Scientology... He has no problem — and he's cashed plenty of checks — with our show making fun of Christians."

Last November, "South Park" targeted the Church of Scientology and its celebrity followers, including actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta, in a top-rated episode called "Trapped in the Closet." In the episode, Stan, one of the show's four mischievous fourth graders, is hailed as a reluctant savior by Scientology leaders, while a cartoon Cruise locks himself in a closet and won't come out.

Stone told The AP he and co-creator Trey Parker "never heard a peep out of Isaac in any way until we did Scientology. He wants a different standard for religions other than his own, and to me, that is where intolerance and bigotry begin."


The ACLU is at it again I see. Get this...they are claiming that by sedating prisioners before they are executed that the "system" is robbing jouranlists of the right to witness a true execution. WHAT???????

I'm only a kid but I can clearly see the nazi's tactics the ACLUS uses. Everytime I hear their name I cringe. The ACLU is anti-american.


And he's going to burn in hell!! Did they stop to think that maybe some of these soldiers and their families believe the same as they do??? They don't ask and it's not fair. This is another example of people interpreting the Bible for their own benefit.

This shit sickens me to no end. They can believe what they want but the way they are going about it is just plain un-godly. There is only like 100 members of this "church", wonder why?

I honestly think Fred Phelps is a fag himself. I personally do not have one one problem with people's lifestyle choices at all...just so you all know.

Hecklers harass families of US soldiers killed in Iraq

Five women sang and danced as they held up signs saying "thank God for dead soldiers" at the funeral of an army sergeant who was killed by an Iraqi bomb.

For them, it was the perfect way to spread God's word: America was being punished for tolerating homosexuality.

For the hundreds of flag waving bikers who came to this small town in Michigan Saturday to shield the soldier's family, it was disgusting.

"That could be me in that church," said Jackie Sandler whose son Keith is currently serving his second tour of duty in Iraq.

The fringe group of fire and brimstone Baptists from Kansas has been courting controversy for more than 15 years, traveling the country with their hateful signs and slogans.

The Westboro Baptist Church first gained national notoriety when they picked the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a Wyoming student who was murdered in 1998 for being gay.

They have since picketed the funerals of Frank Sinatra and Bill Clinton's mother, celebrated the terrorist attacks of September 11 as an act of God's wrath, and have even targeted Santa Claus and the Ku Klux Klan.

But it was the callousness and cruelty of harassing the grieving families of soldiers at dozens of funerals across the country that has sparked a grassroots movement of bikers determined to drown out the jeers and taunts.

In Flushing, Michigan they turned their leather-clad backs to the five women and held flags and tarps up so that mourners walking past wouldn't see the signs saying "God hates fags," "fag vets" and "America is doomed."

Many found it hard to hide their anger when Margie Phelps, the daughter of Westboro's founder, called out "All this for little old us? Oh, you shouldn't have. I feel so special," before she started singing "the Pope, the Pope, the Pope is on fire. He don't get no water let the heretics burn" in front of a Catholic church.

The glee with which the women hurled insults made John Franklin, 64, sick to his stomach.

"This guy's family deserves a peaceful funeral. It's not right what they're doing," said Franklin, who fought in the Vietnam War. "The only reason they're able to walk around like that is because the veterans fought for their freedom."

While Westboro's congregation remains stable at around 100 people - most of whom are the extended family of founder Fred Phelps - the ranks of the Patriot Guard Riders has swelled to more than 16,000 in just a few months.

The protests come at a time when many Americans think the war in Iraq was a mistake but are anxious to show their support for the troops.

Four states have enacted legislation barring protests at funerals and a dozen more are in the process of introducing bans. But it is unlikely that the bans will stand up to legal challenge.

The group is careful to protest in public spaces and is well aware of its constitutional rights - 11 of Phelps' 13 children are lawyers.

"This nation is poised to trash the first amendment just to stop my preaching," Fred Phelps said in a telephone interview. "I'm kind of honored."

Phelps said he and his congregants are targeting the funerals because God's way of punishing an "evil nation" of "fags and fag enablers" is to "pick off its children."

"I don't have any sympathy for these parents. They're all going to hell," Phelps said. "The family's in pain because they haven't obeyed the Lord God."

The group is so outrageous that some among the extreme-right have speculated that Phelps is a plant aimed at giving the anti-gay movement a bad name, said Mark Potok, the director of the intelligence project at the Southern Poverty Law Center which tracks hate crimes.

"I don't think they have any constituency beyond their own members - even the Nazis aren't interested," he said.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Look, this is MY blog and I can say whatever I want. If you don't like it...move along. So you think my age will make me "think" about what I'm saying??? Not a chance. I get the final say here. You can voice your "opinions" but they are subjected to my final approval. So bitch away.........................


We need to make this the OIF theme song. This is actually from the British. They call Operation Iraq Freedom (OIF) "OP Telic". Learn something new everday. This song kicks ass.

This song is by Dope and obviously it's called "Die MF Die"


This is from MSG Chuck Travers. "I served in Baghdad, Iraq, (Camp Victory/Liberty) with the 1/156 AR, 256 BCT, 1st CAV DIV (Louisiana National Guard) from Sep 2004 to Jul 2005. The attached video was made from pictures and videos I took during that time."

They hide an IED in a dead dog?????????? Where is PETA when you need them???

This is for ALL the soldiers over'll make it through.


Another example of those horrifically evil Iragi children. Little bastards. Catch the cute little child saying the F word. Remember, kids do grow up.

Die Hippie Die!!!!!


This a perfect example of what we are up against. The most important thing about this is the UNREASONABLENESS of the "extremists". This is the craziness our soldiers face everyday!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Again, we are being way to nice about this Iraq thing. I'm not a Haig fan but this guy has a valid point.

Former Nixon adviser Alexander Haig said Saturday military leaders in Iraq are repeating a mistake made in Vietnam by not applying the full force of the military to win the war.

"Every asset of the nation must be applied to the conflict to bring about a quick and successful outcome, or don't do it," Haig said. "We're in the midst of another struggle where it appears to me we haven't learned very much."

The comments by Haig, Nixon's chief of staff and also a secretary of state under President Reagan, came at a conference at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum examining the Vietnam War and the American Presidency.

The conference brought together advisers from the Nixon, Johnson and Kennedy administrations, and talk turned to Iraq where the panelists saw parallels with Vietnam.

Former Nixon Secretary of State Henry Kissinger made a rare appearance at the conference. He said he agreed to come out of admiration for the Kennedy family.

Kissinger was greeted outside by about 25 protesters who chanted "Kissinger should go to jail, no bail." He refused to directly respond to a question, submitted by the audience and read by a moderator, that asked if he wanted to apologize for policies that led to so many deaths in Vietnam.

"This is not the occasion," Kissinger said. "We have to start from the assumption that serious people were making serious decisions. So that's the sort of question that's highly inappropriate."

In another audience question, Kissinger was asked whether he agreed that the U.S. bombing of Cambodia led to the rise of the Khmer Rouge, and, if so, was he responsible for the 2 million people the Khmer Rouge killed?

"The premise that the bombing of a 5-mile strip led to the rise of Khmer Rouge and the murder of two million people is an example of masochism that is really inexcusable," he said.

Kissinger said that the Vietnam War "has fundamentally affected my life in the sense that the Nixon debate doesn't ever seem to end and for many I am the surviving symbol of the Nixon administration."

Kissinger also spoke about the war in Iraq, saying he supported the invasion.

"We have a jihadist radical situation," he said. "If the U.S. fails in Iraq, then the consequences will be that it motivates more to move toward the radical side. This is the challenge."

Former Johnson adviser Jack Valenti said that the lessons of Vietnam have been "forgotten or ignored" in Iraq.

"No president can win a war when public support for that war begins to decline and evaporate," he said.

Valenti, former head of the Motion Picture Association of America, added there was no such thing as a good war, saying "all wars are inhumane, brutal, callous and full of depravity."

AP March 11, 2006


British soldier quits army, accuses US troops of illegal tactics in Iraq

What a bunch of CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know American soldiers who have worked with British soliders, and some of them ain't no different. What a pussy this guy is. If you can't do it fine, but don't blame us. You tea tottling pussy.

The U.S just needs to go in and use every ounce of force and get this situation under control. The "nicer" the U.S is the more, so called, innocent Iragi's will die. The situation has reached a critical point and the U.S just needs to kick ass and take names later.

If you think the Iraq's are soooooooo innocent...think again.

Friday, March 10, 2006

I'm back

I had to take my blog down. Gotta love adults!! I'll rebuild soon.